Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Standart Counselor

By: AMAR Faruq, S. Pd

1. Standardization Performance Professional Counselors
 There are still many people who see that the work and guidance and counseling can be done by anyone, as long as it is able to communicate and talks. Another assumption that guidance and counseling services are directed primarily to the provision of assistance with respect to problem-solving effort in a narrow sense only. This is clearly a false assumption. As described in Chapter VI, guidance and counseling services are not solely directed towards solving the problem alone, but includes a variety of services and activities that refer to the creation of broad functions. Various types of assistance and activities demanding
adanyaunjuk certain professional work. Indonesia does not yet exist in the formulation of performance standards of professional counselors. Efforts to pioneer the establishment of the formulation of performance that has been done by the Institute of Guidance Officers Indonesia (IPBI) at the National Convention VII IPBI in Denpasar, Bali (1989). This effort is more dikonkretkan again at the VIII National Convention Padang (1991). Formulation performance ever presented and discussed at the convention in Padang IPBI it can be seen in appendix. Although the formulation of grains (225 grains) appeared already in detail, but further assessment is still very necessary to examine whether these items are already precisely match the needs of the field, as well as reasonably practicable and provide direction to the counselors for the implementation of the service
to the client. The results of the assessment is likely to change, add detailing formulas that already exist.

2. Standardization of Preparation of Counselors
The goal is to prepare counselors to the (prospective) counselor with insight and control and can implement best and ketrampian material contained in grains of formulation performance. Preparation is done through the counselor education program prajabatan, equivalency programs, or education in a position (such as upgrading). Special about the preparation of counselor education program in the office, time is quite long, starting  of candidate selection and admission of students who will follow the program until graduation graduates. Prajabatn counselor education programs is higher education. Selection / Acceptance Learners Selection or election of candidates for learners is an early stage in the process of preparation of counselors. This activity plays a very important and decisive in acquiring prospective counselors effort is expected. Not a good seed will produce good fruit anyway? Commission duties, standards, and qualifications of counselors United States (In & Schmuller Mortensen, 1976) suggests a personal requirements that must be owned by the counselor as follows: To be able to carry out tasks in the field of guidance and counseling, the counselor is a good performance ( candidates) counselors are required to have the knowledge, skills, and adequate attitude. Knowledge, skills and attitudes are acquired through special education. For professional guidance and counseling services that are based on certain levels and types of education, knowledge, attitudes and skills of counselors who (would) be assigned to specific schools that need to be adjusted with different demands and conditions of service targets, including age, tingkatpendidikan, and stages of child development .

Understand in depth the counselee who want to be served Respect and uphold the human values, individuality, freedom of choice, and emphasizes the benefit of the counselee in the context of public interest: (a) applying a positive and dynamic vision of man as being spiritual, moral, social, individual, and potentially, (b) to appreciate and develop the positive potential of individuals in general and counselee in particular; (c) concerned with human welfare in general and in particular, the counselee, (d) uphold human dignity in accordance with human rights, (e) tolerant of permsalahan counselee, and (f) be democratic
Mastering the theoretical foundation of guidance and counseling. (a) Mastering the basis of theoretical guidance and counseling, (b) The master of science education and scientific basis, (c) implement the principles of education and learning process, (d) master the cultural grounding in educational praxis. Mastering the essential guidance and counseling services in the pathways, levels, and types of education units: (a) mastering the essential guidance on the unit and onseling formal education, non formal and informal, (b) mastering the essential guidance and counseling on the unit type of general education, vocational, religious, and special, and (c) mastering the essential guidance and counseling on early childhood education units, primary and secondary schools.
Mastered the concept and praxis of research guidance and counseling: (a) understand the different types and methods of research, (b) capable of designing research guidance and counseling, (c) conduct research guidance and counseling, (d) use of research in guidance and counseling by accessing journal of education and guidance and counseling.
Mastering the theory and praxis framework of guidance and counseling: (a) apply the nature of guidance and counseling services, (b) applying the guidance and counseling profession, (c) apply the basics of guidance and counseling services, (d) applying the guidance and counseling services in accordance conditions and demands of the working area; (e) apply the approach / model / type of service and support activities of guidance and counseling, and (f) Apply the practice of guidance and counseling services format.
Organizing memandirikan guidance and counseling guidance and counseling program Designing: (a) analyze the needs of the counselee, (b) develop guidance and counseling program based on the ongoing needs of the students in a comprehensive approach to development, (c) implementation plan guidance and counseling program; and (d) plan the cost of providing facilities and guidance and counseling program.
Mengimplemantasikan program of comprehensive guidance and counseling: (a) Implement a program of guidance and counseling: (b) implement a collaborative approach in guidance and counseling services, (c) facilitating the development, academic, career, personal, social and counselee, and (d) managing facilities and cost of guidance and counseling program.
Assessing processes and outcomes of guidance and counseling activities: (a) to evaluate the results, processes and guidance and counseling programs, (b) make adjustments to the process of guidance and counseling services, (c) inform the implementation  evaluation of guidance and counseling services to related parties, (d) use the results of the evaluation to revise and develop guidance and counseling program.
Implement internal collaboration in the workplace: (a) understand the basis, purpose, organization and role of other parties (teachers, homeroom, head of the school / madrasah committee, school / madrasah in the workplace, (b) communicate the basis, purpose, and guidance and counseling service activities to other parties in the workplace, and (c) cooperate with relevant parties in the workplace such as teachers, parents, administrative personnel).
 Role in the organization and activities of professional guidance and counseling: (a) Understand the basic, objective, and the AD / ART professional organization for the development of guidance and counseling profession diri.dan; (b) comply with the Code of guidance and counseling profession, and (c) active in professional organizations for the development of guidance and counseling profession diri.
Implementing inter-professional collaboration: (a) communicating aspects of professional guidance and counseling to other professional organizations, (b) understand the role of other professional organizations and use it to success
guidance and counseling services, (c) work in teams with professional staff and paraprofessionals of other professions, and (d) carry out the referrals to other professional experts as necessary.

Ministry of Education. (2003). Guidance and Counseling Services. New York: Puskur Balitbang.
Syamsu Joseph L.N. (2005). Guidance and Counseling Program in the School / Madrasah. Bandung: CV Bani Qureys.
ABKIN. 2007. Academic Paper Signs-Signs Implementation Guidance and Counselling in Gaza and the Formal Education Non-Formal
Unesa PLPG Team (2011), Module Guidance and Counselling, Surabaya; Unesa Press

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