Monday, January 9, 2012

General rocedure Guidance and Counselling Services

General Procedure Guidance and Counselling Services

As a professional service, guidance and counseling services can not be done arbitrarily, but must be done in an orderly manner according to certain procedures, which generally consists of six stages, namely: (A) Identification of the case, (B) Identification of the problem, (C) Diagnosis, (D) The prognosis; (E) Treatment, (F) Evaluation and Follow-up

A. Identification of cases
Identification of the case is the first step to find the alleged learners need guidance and counseling services. Robinson (Abin Makmun Shamsuddin, 2003) provides some approaches that can be done to detect the alleged learners need the guidance and counseling services, namely:
1. Call Them approach; conduct interviews by calling all the students to take turns so that in this way will be found that students really need counseling services.
2. Maintain good relationship; create a good relationship, full of intimacy so there is no gap between the teacher supervising the students. This can be done through various ways that are not only limited to the relationship of teaching and learning activities, for example through extra-curricular activities, recreational and other informal situations.
3. Developing a desire for counseling; create an atmosphere that led to the awareness of learners will be problems. For example, by discussing with students concerned about the results of a test, such as intelligence tests, aptitude tests, and results of other measurements to be analyzed together and pursued various follow-ups.
4. Conducted an analysis of learning outcomes of students, in this way can be known levels and types of learning difficulties or failures faced by learners.
5. Sosiometris analyzing, in this way can be found learners who allegedly had difficulty adjusting socially.

B. Identification of Problems
This step is an attempt to understand the types, characteristics of difficulties or problems faced by learners. In the context of Teaching and Learning, learners can issue related to aspects: (1) substantially - the material, (2) structural - functional, (3) behavioral, and or (4) personality.
To identify cases and problems of students, Prayitno et al. has developed an instrument to track the issue of students, with the so-called Tool Reveals Problems (AUM). The instrument is very helpful to find cases and detect the location of the difficulties faced by students, about aspects: (1) physical and health, (2) personal self, (3) social relationships, (4) economic and financial, (5) career and employment, (6) education and learning, (7) religion, values ​​and morals; (youth relationships; (9) the circumstances and family relationships, and (10) leisure time.
C. Diagnosis
Diagnosis is an attempt to discover the factors causing or leading to the problem of learners. Teaching and Learning in the context of factors that cause the failure of learners to learn, can be viewed in terms of input, process, or the out put of learning. W.H. Burton split into two factors that may cause learning difficulties or failure of students, namely: (1) internal factors; factors besumber of learners within itself, such as: physical condition and health, intelligence, talent, personality, emotions , attitudes and other psychological conditions, and (2) external factors, such as home environment, school environment including teachers and social environment factors and the like.
D. Prognosis
This step is performed to estimate whether the problems experienced by learners is still possible to overcome and to determine the range of alternative solutions, This is done by integrating and interpreting the results of the second and third step. The process of taking a decision at this stage should be implemented first case conference, involving the parties related to the problems faced by students to be asked to work together to help deal with the case - the case at hand.

E. Treatment
This step is an attempt to carry out the repair or healing of the problems facing clients, based on decisions taken in steps prognosis. If the type and the nature and source of the problem is still related to the learning system and still remain within the ability and the ability of the supervising teacher or counselor, the counseling assistance can be made by a teacher or guidance counselor itself (direct intervention), through a variety of services available approaches, whether it is directive, non-directive or eclectic that combine both approaches.
However, if the problem is related to aspects of personality that is deeper and wider then the proper task of a teacher or guidance counselor / counselor is limited to only make recommendations to the experts who are more competent (referral or hand over the case).

F. Evaluation and Follow Up
Any way to be taken, evaluation of problem-solving efforts should still be conducted to see how the influence of aid measures (treatment) that has been given to solving problems faced by learners.
With regard to the evaluation of guidance and counseling, Ministry of Education (2003) has provided criteria for the success of guidance and counseling services are:
1.      Development of new insights gained learners relating to issues discussed;
2.      Positive feelings as a result of processes and materials that are delivered through the service, and
3.      Plan activities to be undertaken by learners after the implementation of the service in order to realize further efforts to alleviate the problems experienced.
Meanwhile, Robinson in Abin Shamsuddin Ma'mun (2004) suggested several criteria of success and effectiveness of services provided, which is divided into the criteria of success criteria that seem immediate and long-term criteria.
Success criteria appear immediately, including if:
1. Learners (clients) have been realized (to be aware of) for any problems encountered.\
2. Learners (clients) have to understand the (self-insight) problems faced.
3. Learners (clients) have begun showing a willingness to accept themselves and the problem in an objective (self-acceptance).
4. Learners (clients) have decreased tension emotions (emotion stress release).
5. Learners (clients) have decreased resistance to the environment
6. Learners (the client) have demonstrated an attitude melai openness and willing to understand and accept the reality in an objective environment.
7. Learners (clients) began to show its ability to consider, make choices and take decisions in a sound and rational.
8. Learners (client) have demonstrated the ability to perform repair efforts and adaptation to its environment, in accordance with the basic considerations and decisions that have been taken.
9. While the long-term success criteria, including if:
10. Learners (client) have demonstrated satisfaction and happiness in his life produced by the actions and efforts.
11. Learners (clients) have been able to avoid the possibilities of preventive factors that can bring it into trouble.
12. Learners (client) have demonstrated the properties of the creative and constructive, productive and contributive be accommodative so he accepted and able to become an effective member of the group.

1 comment:

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