Friday, June 17, 2011

Purpose Of Guidance and Counseling

By: AMAR Faruq, S. Pd
(Teacher Guidance and Counseling Ministry of Religious MIS Gresik regency of East Java)

According to the book author Tim Guidance and Counselling Guidelines (1994) that the purpose of guidance and counseling there are 2 (two) kinds:
a. General Purpose
The general objective of guidance and counseling is in accordance with the objectives stated in the Education Law no. 2 System of National pedidikan, namely the realization of complete Indonesian man is intelligent, faithful and devoted to God Almighty and noble character, knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, a strong and independent personality, and sense of civic responsibility and national .
b. Specific Objectives
Specifically the purpose of guidance and counseling is to help students to achieve development objectives include aspects of personal, social, learning, and careers. (Personal-social guidance is intended to achieve the objectives and tasks of personal and social development in realizing personal piety, and bertanggungjawab.Bimbingan madiri remedy intended learning goals and tasks of career development pendidikan.Bimbingan intended to realize a productive worker's personal
According to the Drafting Team Guide books Guidance and Counselling Service Level Competency-Based SMP / MTs (2002) that the purpose of guidance and counseling as follows:
a. The general objective of guidance and counseling is memandirikan learners and develop their potential optimally.
b. The general objective is translated into goals that lead to the effectiveness of daily life with regard to the potential learners.
c. More specifically, the goals set out in the form of competence.

Meanwhile, according to Tim Compiler Implementation Manual Guidance and Counselling Service (2004) states that the purpose of Guidance and Counseling is to help participants didi in developmental tasks so that learners have ketaqwan faith and to God the Almighty, has a positive attitude, dynamic to the physical and psychological , has emotionally independent attitude and socio-economic, have good social relationship patterns didalm families, schools, and communities, have good learning potential and can plan and develop his career.

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