Friday, June 17, 2011

Psychoanalysis Therapy

By: AMAR Faruq, S. Pd
(Ministry of Religious Teachers BK MIS Gresik East Java)

A. Figures Biography
Sigmund Freud (May 6, 1856 - 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis in psychology, a movement that popularized the theory that unconscious motives control much behavior. Besides, he also gave a statement at the outset that human behavior is based on sexual desire at first (eros) which was initially perceived by humans since early childhood from his mother. Sexual experience by the mother, such as breastfeeding, then experiencing its development or to display various prilakulain tersublimasi adapted to the rules of societal norms or norms father.

But on his way after his colleague Alferd Adler, revealed the existence of death instinct in human beings, although Freud was initially rejected by Adler statement denying it all out, but in the end Freudpun menunggalkan align or not the sexual instinct alone that exist within the human self, namundisandingkan with death instinct (Thanatos). However he never mentioned the origin of the theory is actually presented by Adlerawal beginning. Freud was interested in and studying hypnosis in France, and then use it to help people with mental illness. Freud then left the hypnotist after he successfully used a new method to cure people with psychological pressure that is free association and dream analysis. Basic method is the creation of the concept of the unconscious, free association is the method used to uncover issues that suppressed by oneself, but continued to push out unconsciously to cause problems. Meanwhile, Dream Analysis, used by Freud from the understanding that dreams are the subconscious message that the abstract of consciousness, these messages contain desire, fear and other emotions all sorts of activities, to the activities of emotions entirely unconscious. So the method of analysis
Dreams can be used to reveal subliminal messages or hidden problems, whether in the form of desire, fear, worry, anger is not realized because of pressure from someone. When problems of the subconscious has been successfully revealed, then for the next resolution will be easier to resolve. These things are done to develop something that is now known as the "drug talk". These things become a core element of psychoanalysis. Freud was particularly interested in the condition used to be called hysteria, and is now called conversion syndrome.
Freud's theories, and how to treat patients, caused controversy in the nineteenth-century Vienna, and is still debated fiercely today. Freud's ideas are usually discussed and analyzed as works of literature, philosophy, and general culture, as well as debate berterusan as this scientific and medical treatises. His first book "The Interpretation of Dreams" in 1990, Freud showed how his own dreams and he interpreted his study, so that from it he gained valuable material for understanding the psychic life. The next book, Introductory Lecture on Psycho-analysis (1920), The Ego And The Id (1923), Future of an Illusion (1927), Civilization and Its Discontents (1930), new lecture introdutory psycho-analysis (1940).

B. Essence of Man
Human nature is essentially deterministic. According to Freud's opinion, human behavior is determined by the forces of irrational, unconscious motivation, biological drive, and instinct, and events associated with psychosexual during the first six years. Instinct according to this approach is central, at first used to menanyatakan libido sexual energy, and ultimately extend the term for energy of all life. Freud also has a good faith belief in the concept of death instinct, in other words to drive aggressively. According to this opinion either sex drive or drive aggressively is a powerful determinant of why people behave like what is done

C. Personality structure
According to the psychoanalytic view, personality consists of three systems of id, ego, and superego.

1. Id
Id: personality component that contains the original impulses and aggressive, where psinsip works 'PLEASURE PRINCIPLE'. Controlled by the pleasure principle which aim to reduce tension, avoid pain and gain pleasure, then the id is irrational, immoral, and driven by one consideration to meet the greatest satisfaction of instinctual needs which are in accordance with the pleasure principle.

2. Ego
Ego: the personality who served as executor, the system works on the outside world to assess the reality and deal with the world. The ego acts as the executive governing, controlling, and managing personalities. Under orders from the reality principle, the ego to think logically and reality and formulate a plan of action for the sake of satisfying needs.

3. Super Ego
Superego: the moral part of human personality, is the filter of well-censorship bad, wrong, really, blh-shh do not encounter problems dorogan ego. Its function is as a container id impulse, to urge the ego to substitute moralistic goals with realistic, as well as the fight for excellence

a. Ego Defense Mechanisms
In the flow of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, ego defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that made a person, group of people, or even a nation to deal with reality and maintain self-image. A healthy person usually uses a variety of defense mechanisms during his lifetime. The mechanism becomes pathological when its use is continuously making someone behave so maladaptive physical health and / or mentally it helped people affected. Usability is the ego defense mechanisms to protect the mind / self / ego from anxiety, social sanctions or to become a "refuge" from situations that are not able to deal with. Performed by the ego defense mechanisms as one part in the structure of personality according to Freud's psychoanalysis other than id and super ego. Such mechanisms are required when impulses of the id run into conflict with each other, or impulses that conflict with the values ​​and beliefs in the super ego, or if there is an external threat faced by the ego.

Factors causing the need for defense mechanisms is anxiety. When anxiety is to make someone feel very disturbed, the ego needs to implement a defense mechanism to protect individuals. Guilt and shame often accompany feelings of anxiety. Anxiety is felt as increased physical and mental tension. Such feelings would be forced to act defensively against what is considered harm. The use of defense mechanisms is done by diverting the id impulses into acceptable forms, or by unwittingly inhibit these impulses.

b. Forms of ego defense mechanisms
1. Repression: The basic palign among other defense mechanisms. a way of defense to get rid of consciousness thoughts and feelings that threaten. repression occurs unconsciously.
2. Denial / denial: Playing a defensive role, as well as repression. people deny to see or accept problems or aspects that complicate life. Denial operates at the level preconscius or conscius
3. Reaction Formation / formation reactions: One defense against a threatening impulse is to actively express the contradictory impulses that interfere with desire, people should not have to face the anxiety that have arisen had he found the dimensions of this (unwanted) from him. individuals may conceal hatred with the pretense of love, or cover up atrocities with excessive friendliness.
4. Projection: attribute thoughts, feelings, or motives that are not acceptable to others. said that the impulses are owned by "someone else out there, not by me". For example a man who was sexually attracted to a girl, said that his daughter is behaving seductive. thus he should not have to confront their own desires.
5. Displacement / removal: one way of dealing with anxiety is to move from object to object that threatens the "safer". such as those cowards who do not powerless against his superiors at home hostilitasnya vent to his children
6. Rationalization: sometimes people produce reasons for "good" to describe his ego a hit. Rationalization helps to justify the many specific behaviors and helping to weaken the blow associated with disappointments. for example when people do not get the position he wants the job, they think of logical reasons why they do not get it, and sometimes they try to persuade and convince himself that he did not want the position.
8. Sublimation: From the view of Freud, a great many artistic contribution is the result of channeling social or aggressive energy into creative behavior socially acceptable and even admired. for example, aggressive impulses can be channeled into sports achievements.
9. Regression: Some people return to a form of behavior has probably been trying to cope with anxiety by behaving immaturely or inappropriate.
10. Introjection: introjection mechanism consists of taking over and "swallow" the values ​​of the standard others. for example a child who suffered persecution, taking over the way parents cope with stress, and thus perpetuate the cycle of child abuse. introjection can also be positive, if taken over the positive values ​​of others.

c. Consciousness and unconsciousness
1. An understanding of human consciousness and unconsciousness is one of the greatest contributions of Freud's thinking. According to him,
2. The key to understanding the behavior and personality problems bermuladari it.
3. Consciousness is a thin part of the overall smallest or the human mind. It can be likened to an iceberg that is below sea level, where the ice is bigger inside than it looks on the surface. So it is with the human personality, all the experiences and repressed memory will be collected in the unconscious nature.

d. Worry
Anxiety tense situation that forces us to do something. Berkembnag anxiety because of ego and superego conflicts mengenani will control the existing psychic energy (Corey, 1995: 143) Anxiety that there are three: the anxiety of reality, neurotic and moral. (1) the reality of anxiety is fear of the dangers that come from the outside world and such a degree of anxiety is dependent on the real threat. (2) neurotic anxiety is the fear lest instincts will get off track and cause someone to do something that can mebuatnya condemned, and (3) moral anxiety is the fear of his own conscience. People whose consciences sufficiently developed tend to feel guilty when doing something that is contrary to moral norms

e. Stages of Personality Development
1. Human development in psychoanalytic is a very thorough overview of the process of psychosocial and psychosexual development, from birth to adulthood.
2. In Freud's theory of every human being must pass through a series of developmental stages in the process of becoming an adult. These stages are very important for the formation of the personality traits that are settled.

f. Personality of people formed around the age of 5-6 years:
(1) oral stage, the baby needs to obtain the food needs of the mother. Oral Fixation is the oral dissatisfaction in infancy, which will result in being an individual who is not easily believe in others, rejection terhadapcinta love, fear and inability to create intimate relationships with others. (2) anal stage: 1-3 years, sona anal become a significant part in the development of personality, this phase covers tasks kebebbasan developmental learning, acceptance of personal strengths, learn to melampiskan negative expressions such as anger and aggression. (3) Palus stage: 3-6 years, the basic conflict between the sexual appetite of kin. Phase Palus man known as the Oedipus complex, called the Electra complex in women. (4) latent stage: 6-12 years, the basic conflict between the sexual appetite of kin. Phase Palus man known as the Oedipus complex, called the Electra complex in women. (5) genetal stages: 12-18 years, this stage is the stage puberitas, and continues until the stage senital. (6) mature stage, which is divided into early adulthood, middle age and old age. Developmental tasks of early adult intimate relationships. Midlife is a phase adjustment between what is achieved with what is desired. Old age is the meaning of what has been gained ynag or regret what you do.

D. Application of Theory in Counseling
1. "Man is a creature who has a need and desire."
This concept can be developed in the process guidance, denganmelihat human nature that have needs and desires basis. Thus in giving guidance counselor should always be guided by what is needed and desired by the counselee, so the guidance made truly effective.

2. "Anxiety" that human beings can be used as a vehicle for achieving the purpose of guidance, which helps individuals to understand themselves and their environment; able to choose, decide and plan to live wisely; able to develop skills and abilities, solve problems encountered in life; able to manage daily activities -day with a good and wise; able to understand and act in accordance with religious norms, social in the community.

3. Thus the anxiety that is felt due to his inability to be addressed properly and wisely. Because every human has always lived in fear, anxiety because humans will be extinct, the anxiety of not being able to socialize with, etc.,

4. Tutoring is a container in order to cope with anxiety.

5. The influence of the past (childhood) to the human journey.
Although many experts criticized, but in some ways the concept is consistent with the concept of early assistance for children in the formation of individual morality. In a system of morals pemebinaan individual, the family can train and familiarize children are to grow in accordance with religious and social norms. These norms can not come alone, but through a long process of interaction of the environment. When a family is able to provide good guidance, then later the child was expected to grow into good human beings. 6. "Stages of development of individual personality" can be used in the guidance process, both as material and approach. This concept gives the sense that the materials, methods and patterns of guidance should be tailored to the developmental stages of individual personality, because at each stage has a different character and nature. Therefore, the guidance counselor should always look at these developmental stages, if you want coaching to be effective.

8. "Unconscious" can be used in the guidance process performed on individuals in hopes of reducing impulsimpuls Id that is irrational impulse that turned into a rational.

E. Destination Therapy
1. Make the unconscious become conscious;
2. Overcoming the stages of development are not solved
3. Helping clients learn to adapt and overcome dabn
4. Reconstruction of personality.
F. Role of Counselors
1. Counselor as an expert; encourage ekspolrasi transference and the unconscious, using interpretation.
2. Counselor to be anonymous, meaning that the counselor was trying not dikenalklien, and bertindaksedikit once showed their feelings and experiences. The goal for the client to easily reflect the feelings to the counselor. This reflection is a projection of a client who became the subject of analysis for the counselor (Willis, 2004: 16)

G. Relationship Between Therapist And Client
The relationship between the client and the analyzer is conceptualized in the process of transference, which is the core of the psychoanalytic approach. Transference provides an opportunity for clients to attach to themselves the responsibility of the therapist's unfinished business "from past relationships. Transference occurs manakal bagkit clients returning from conflicts heavy early age that there hubunagnnya with love, sexuality, hostility, anxiety and anger, took kemasa now, go back and experience it yourself lekatannya analyzer (Corey, 1995: 169). In this trnsfensi process, liendapat freely express-pengalamnnya experience that the therapist can know masalh facing clients in more detail.

H. Therapy Techniques
1. Free Association, is a central teknih of psychoanalysis. The essence is that the client drove with his thoughts or opinions with the road and report it without any censorship. The Association is one of the basic equipment as a door opener desires, fantasies, conflicts and unconscious motivations yng. (Corey, 1995; 174)

2. Interpretation, consists of what the analyzer dinaytakan, explained, and even taught to the client's sense of behavior that is manifested in dreams, free association, resistance and teraupetik relationship itself. Its function is to provide opportunities to the ego to assimilate the new materials and processes and to uncover the material outside memprcepat further awareness (Corey, 1995; 174).

3. Analysis of dreams is an important procedure to reveal unconscious material and to give clients an insight into the region of unresolved problems (Corey, 1995; 175)

4. ditujukkan analysis of resistance to sensitize clients to the reasons for resistance counselor asks the client to interpret resistance (Willis, 2004: 63).

5. transference analysis. Counselors mengusakan clients develop transference to unfold neorosisnya especially at the age of the first five years of his life. Counselors use sifat0sifat neutral, objective, anonymous, and passive transference in order to unfold it (Willis, 2004: 63)

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