Sunday, July 31, 2011

Counselors In Character Education

By: AMAR Faruq, S. Pd
(Master BK MIS Kemenag Gresik East Java)

Guidance and counseling in Indonesia formally included in the national education system started in 1975, when the enactment of the 1975 curriculum in schools throughout Indonesia. This means that from then on began the recognition of professional guidance and counseling in schools. A profession that will hopefully be able to help and support to develop the ability of learners in accordance with its potential through guidance and counseling services that are psycho-pedagogical. Thus, guidance and counseling services in schools is one form of educational activities for the achievement of educational goals. Ditumpukan great expectations on the service providers in school guidance and counseling (counselor).
On the way the task, the guidance and counseling as a profession that is still relatively young comity, many disorders and barriers. A variety of distractions and obstacles, ranging from the amount of energy is still limited so that everyone "feel" allowed the task to the implementation of guidance and counseling services are not yet optimal. Due to various problems and obstacles into the facts that occurred at school during the time that shows that school counselors (guidance counselor) is still a lot or are often perceived negatively, such as the police school guidance counselor, guidance counselor scary, guidance counselor only handle a problem child. The condition was certainly very difficult to be menuaikan common tasks of guidance and counseling services with good and comprehensive, especially for implementing character education.
The implementation of character education requires a lot of personal approach, both in terms of the supervising teacher must be competent and worthy to emulate, as it also generally the students will 'respect' to those who have a personal closeness that facilitates the delivery of messages or information about character education . There are many factors causing the misperceptions about the school counselor mentioned above, one of which the performance of school counselors who have not been up or have not been able to demonstrate the tasks and roles that should be done as a counselor (Sofyan, 2008).
The explanation above shows that the importance of a solution to resolve the situation. A condition that is quite complicated, considering the task is ingrained (habitual performance) for the school counselor as executor daily, but on the other side was the performance that appeared to be not in line with expectations. Empirical evidence suggests there are still many students who can not behave in a normative, among others from behaving rude, lying (including ditching), making a scene, fight, to behave in violation of the norms of decency. This happens, among others, of the role that should be done by a school counselor in the development of personal and social aspects of students who have not been up. Although school counselors rather than as the only parties who have or at least responsible for those conditions, but school counselors can not escape the responsibility of the (Washington, et.all, 2008). From this perspective, it is hoped this paper can provide a discourse to unravel the complexity of issues that must ditampilakn role by the school counselor.

Williams & schnaps (1999) defines character education as "Any deliberate approach by the which school personnel, Often in conjunction with parents and community members, help children and youth Become caring, principled and Responsible". Its meaning is more or less character education efforts being made by school personnel, and even performed together with parents and community members, to help children and teens to be or to have a caring, opinionated, and responsible.

Furthermore, Williams (2000) explains that the meaning of the term character education was originally used by the National Commission on Character Education (in America) as an umbrella term covering a variety of approaches, philosophies, and programs. Problem solving, decision making, conflict resolution is an important aspect of the development of moral character. Therefore, in character education should provide opportunities to the students to experience nature directly. Specifically, the goal of moral education is petrified students to be morally more responsible, become citizens of a more disciplined (McBrien & Brandt, 1997).
In addition, in shades of guidance and counseling according to the American School Counselor Association (1998) stated the goal of character education is to "assist students in Becoming a positive and self-directed in Their lives and education and in striving toward future goals", ie helping students to become more positive and capable of directing themselves in education and life, and in working hard in achieving its future goals. The purpose is done by teaching the students about basic human values ​​like honesty, kindness, generosity, courage, freedom, equality, and respect or glory (McBrien & Brandt, 1997).
Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System of Article 3 stipulated that "The National Education functions to develop the ability and character forming as well as the civilization of the nation's dignity in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing the potential of learners in order to become a man of faith and piety to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable ".

From it can be seen that education is not simply serve as a medium to develop the ability alone, but also serves to establish the character and civilization of a nation that bermatabat. From this it is actually educational character (the character) can not be left in the functioning of education. Therefore, as a function of the inherent existence of national education to shape the character and civilization, character education is a manifestation of that role.
To that end, character education is the duty of all parties involved in business education (educators). Meanwhile, the school counselor in the Act of 2003 National Education System has been recognized as one of the educators, as expressed in Article 1, "Educators is a qualified educational staff as a teacher, lecturer, counselor, officials learned, lecturer, tutors, instructors, facilitators, and other appropriate designation to the specialty, and participate in conducting education ".

From that sense it is a school counselor (guidance counselor is a counselor as appropriate school official designation for teachers who have specific tasks in guidance and counseling, according to Joint Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture and Head of the National Civil Service Administration No. 25 of 1993) can not escape from function and purpose of such education. In other words, school counselors have a role and duties related to character education. As one of the parties concerned with this character education, school counselors must be committed to implement character education (Stone and Dyal, 1997:22).

Success in organizing and instill life values ​​through character education can also be influenced by the manner or approach used in the present. According Suparno, et al. (2002:42-44), there are four models approach to the delivery of character education.
1. Model as Subject Admitted
In this approach, character education is considered as a separate subject. Therefore, character education has an equal and treated the same as other subjects or areas of study. In this case, teachers in character education studies to prepare and develop curriculum, develop a syllabus, making the design of Learning Process (RPP), teaching methodology, and evaluation of learning. Consequently character education should be designed it in a structured timetable. The advantages of this approach include the submitted materials become more planned mature / focused, the material has been delivered more measured. While the weakness of this approach is highly dependent on the demands of the curriculum, then planting those values ​​as if only the responsibility of one teacher per se, as well as the impact of character education that appear to touch only the cognitive aspects, does not touch the internalization of these values.
2. Integrated Models in All Field of Study
The second approach in delivering character education is delivered in an integrated way in every field of study, and therefore the responsibility of all teachers tanggunmg (Washington, et.all, 2008). In this context, each teacher can select material appropriate to the character education themes or subject areas of study. Through this integrated model, each teacher is teaching character education without exception.
Integrated model of excellence in every field of study, among others, each teacher will take responsibility for planting the values ​​of life to all students, in addition to understanding the values ​​of character education are less likely to be informative-cognitive, but is applicable in accordance with the context in each field studies. The impact of students will be more familiar with the values ​​that have been applied in various settings.
Sided weakness is the understanding and perception of value that will be implanted must be clear and equal for all teachers. However, to ensure fairness for every teacher is not an easy thing, it is given the background of each teacher is different. In addition, if there is a difference of interpretation of values ​​among the teachers themselves will make the students actually confused.

3. Models in the Teaching of Foreign
Planting values ​​of character education can also be embedded in other than formal learning. This approach is more priority to the processing and investment value through an activity to be discussed and then discussed the values ​​of life. Models such activities can be implemented by school teachers who were given the task or entrusted to other institutions to implement them. The advantages of this approach is that students will gain direct experience and concrete. The disadvantage is not in the structures that remain within the framework of education and teaching in schools, so it will take longer and cost more.
4. Combined Model
Combined model is to combine the integrated model and the model beyond the lessons together. This model can be implemented in cooperation with the team by both the teacher and in cooperation with parties outside the school. The advantages of this model is all the teachers involved, in addition, teachers can learn from outsiders to develop themselves and students. Students receive information about values ​​as well as strengthened by the experience through well-planned Event. Given the character education is one of the functions of national education, it is fitting for the character education in every subject matter.
Therefore, an integrated approach is a minimal approach that should be implemented all educators in the context of each task in the school, including in this case is a school counselor. However, instead means that the most appropriate approach is integrative model. Combined approach would be even better because students not only get information only students but also explore the values ​​of character education through activities that are contextually deeper appreciation of students and certainly more encouraging students. From this perspective the school counselor is required to be able to convey information and to invite and provide direct appreciation of the various information values ​​of the characters.
In the guidelines implementation guidance and counseling in the formal education contained in Appendix 3 Competency Standards Counsellor (Ministry of National Education, 2007:261) explained that the expert guidance and counseling services that Amnestied by school counselors are in the context of duty "service aimed at the region memandirikan students (individuals) in guiding the course of their lives through the decision-making about education including those related to the need to choose, achieve and maintain a career to achieve a productive and prosperous lives, and to become citizens who care about the public good through education ".
Performance expectations that mengampu counselor guidance and counseling services are always driven by altruistic motives in the sense of always using an empathic attitude, respect for diversity, and emphasizes the benefit of service users, conducted by always looking at the possibility of long-term impact of his ministry's acts of service users, so the service pengampu professionals were also called "the reflective practitioner". Related to character education in schools compulsory school counselors facilitate the development and growth of character and without prejudice to further mastery of the hard skills needed in life's journey as well as in preparing for careers (Department of Education, 2007:186).
Therefore, school counselors should design the program activities to actively participate in the development and growth of character in students. Activities can be conducted independent terancang in guidance and counseling programs, and also jointly with other educators (teachers' fields of study for example) that terancang in school programs that are conducted in synergy of several parties.
With regard to the form of activity, then the services provided by school counselors can be preventive, curative, and preseveratif or developmental in order to fulfill the function of education in developing students' character. Preventive services means activities performed by school counselors intend to prevent the student's behavior does not contradict with the expected character. Curative services means that services aimed at treating counselor / repair behavior of students who are already breaking the characters expected. Activities preseveratif / developmental means services provided by school counselors and intends to maintain and develop the student's behavior was appropriate in order to remain well preserved, does not violate the norms, and also developed so that more and better character development.
In general, character education materials are described by Berkowitz, Battistich, and Bier (2008:442) who reported that the educational material is very broad character. From the results of his research was explained that there are at least 25 variables that can be used as educational material character. However, of the 25 variables are the most commonly reported and, significantly, there were only 10, namely:

1. Sexual Behavior
2. Knowledge of the character (Character knowledge)
3. Understanding of the social moral
4. Problem-solving skills
5. Emotional competence
6. Relationships with others (Relationships)
7. Keterikan feelings with the school (Attachment to school)
8. Academic achievement
9. Competence to communicate
10. Attitude to teachers (Attitudes toward teachers)
Meanwhile, Otten (2000) stated that character education be integrated into all public schools as a strategy to help remind students to deal with conflict, keep students to remain always alert in the educational environment, and reinvest the community to actively participate as citizens countries. Described further in the ERIC Resource Center ( that with the increasing urgency of character education, the school counselors need to understand how to incorporate character education in guidance and counseling program. The recommended types of material are as follows:

1. Responsibility (Responsibility)
That is able to account. Having a sense of duty to comply with a credible, independent and committed.
Perseverance (Perseverance)
The ability to achieve something by determining the values ​​of objective with patience and courage in the face of failure.
3. Caring (Caring)
The ability to communicate understanding to others by treating them well, with compassion, be generous, and forgiving spirit.
4. Discipline (Sef-Discipline)
Showed the best ability in all situations through controlling the emotions, words, impulses, desires, and actions.
5. Nationality (Citizenship)
Ability to comply with the law and engage in service to schools, communities and countries.

6. Honesty (Honesty)
The ability to convey the truth, admit mistakes, trustworthy, and act honorably.

Courage (Courage)
Acting correctly at the face of adversity and conscientiousness of the opinion of many people.

8. Justice (Fairness)
Implementing social justice, fairness and equality. In collaboration with others. Understand the uniqueness and value of every individual in society.
9. Respect (Respect)
Shows a high respect for the authority of others, dri own, and the state. Threat to others is accepted as a threat also to yourself. Understand that everyone has nilia the same humanitarian values.

10. Integrity (Integrity)
A firmness in obeying the moral values, so be honest, trustworthy, and full of honor.

Based on the explanation above, then such materials is much related to the field of guidance and counseling services, especially personal guidance and social guidance. Therefore, the availability of educational materials for school counselors characters in Indonesia is vast and broad. Values ​​the essence of morality both as individual beings and as social beings or for a student is a matter of moral education.
ERIC Resource Center ( explains that when character education was held at the school, the school counselor would be a pioneer as well as coordinator of the program. That's because the school counselor who is specifically tasked with helping the students develop social care and mental health problems, thus the school counselor should be very familiar with the character education program. The importance of the role of school counselors in this character education American School Counselor Association (ASCA) showed his support by stating:
"Professional school counselors need to take an active role in initiating, facilitating and promoting character education programs in the school curriculum. The professional school counselor, as a part of the school community and as a highly resourceful person, takes an active role by working cooperatively with the teachers and administration in Providing character education in the schools as an integral part of the school curriculum and activities "( ASCA, 1998).
Thus, the above statement implies the need for school counselors to continuously warned that they understand and realize one of the main task. It can not be avoided because the results showed that the actual program in school guidance and counseling are also basically have the duty to accommodate material (Ryan, & Bohlin, 2000).
However, there are some opinions to the contrary should stay away from the school counselor because it seems contradictory character education with academic freedom, or even infringe or beliefs concerning personal or violate the rights and personal behavior (Ryan, & Bohlin, 2000).

Even though so, the previous note and dipertimbangakan by a school counselor that all forms of education must contain material that teaches the values ​​of kindness, humanity, and the life which is essentially all that is character education. Some of the considerations that school counselors should play a role in character education.
1. School Counselors as Educators
It is the duty and the basic functions of every educator. As described above, is one type of counselor educators, meanwhile one of the functions of national education is to develop character and national character. Meanwhile, the counselor is one educator who has been recognized as an educational staff. Therefore, school counselors as educators representation clearly has a strong rationale for delivering character education to students. That is, on the shoulders of a character education school counselor has become one of the tasks and obligations that must be implemented in providing guidance and counseling services. Form of execution that may directly or indirectly. Directly, school counselors must devise implementation of character education in the program activities.

Through a program that has been designed it can be arranged various activities to convey messages of student character development. Therefore, school counselors need to understand how to select, deliver, and facilitate character education programs. Indirectly school counselor can convey the values ​​of character education every chance to deliver, meaning that school counselors have held his wherever and whenever his duties consciously or remember that he has an obligation to implement character education by way of tucking (integrated) in performing their duties .
2. School counselors as Manager of Educational Activities    Character
School counselors as a manager means that he should be able to manage all the activities that have been programmed through the involvement of various parties for the implementation of character education. School counselors must be able to involve all stakeholders (students, teachers, subjects, parents, school principals) in the successful execution program. Starting from the basic service programs in the form of draft guidance curriculum that contains educational material about the characters, such as teamwork, diversity, honesty, dealing with anxiety, helping others, friendship, perseverance, determination, conflict management, prevention of drug use, and so on. The implementation of this basic service program allows for highly require the involvement or cooperation with other parties. It is as a form of that character education is a shared responsibility as educators.
In addition, there are still other programs, a program of individual planning of services to help make choices or decisions, and so on, and responsive service programs include activities that include individual counseling, group counseling.
3. School counselors as counselors
As a counselor in the conventional sense of the school counselor conducts counseling. This is because the function of guidance and counseling that are curative. Reality in schools, every student is not sterile on various issues of life, especially as individual beings and social beings. Ability to accept the conditions themselves up to problems relating to others often creates a dilemma for students. The ability to understand themselves, accept themselves, and set yourself up process requires assistance to students accustomed to being able to choose from various alternatives with consequences so that students are increasingly independent.
Similarly, the ability to understand others, understand others, accept others, and treat others well and definitely need the help of a long process so that each student is able to be friendly, solidarity, tolerant, empathic, and so forth so that they are far from the impression of being arrogant , rough, fierce, cruel, and so on. Reality conditions for learners who thus require school counselors to become in truth a counselor to help overcome the various problems that may arise in students. Various problems that arise is in essence a variety of problems in the development of student character. From this perspective basically counseling activities performed by school counselors to address a variety of individual and social problems of students is the implementation of character education.
Therefore, once again there is no reason for school counselors are not implementing a character education activity unless its primary function as a school counselor did not commit.

4. School Counselor as Consultant
Nearly equal to the task as a counselor, school counselor as a consultant to receive consultations from various other parties to assist students' progress. Character education is not to be resolved solely by one party. Character education requires the involvement of all stakeholders in schools and families. Based on this perspective, all parties have mutually complementary roles. Therefore, school counselors as the party providing psycho-pedagogical services should be able to provide consultative services in the interests of various parties, ranging from students, teachers, parents, principals, perhaps even up to the public. Based on the rationale of a task associated with the school counselor character education in Indonesia, then there are some school counselor's role in implementing character education in Indonesia.
5. School Counselors Serving as Role Model / Example
As described above, school counselors become one of the central figure in the implementation of character education in schools. Therefore, as a school counselor educators is the figure of the highlights of the students especially in the example implementation of character education in schools seharihari life. As a role model for students, all aspects of the personality, appearance, and behavior will be an example of students. Aspect of personality is a manifestation of the condition of psycho-social biological school counselor in the face or adjust to the new environment. The students (others) will look at the overall indicators of psycho-physical system school counselors in dealing with others. Various kinds of personality traits that included all traits, character, attitude, and so forth will be assessed as a school counselor personality.
From this perspective, school counselors should be aware of all aspects of her personality to be a role model students. Similarly, the appearance and behavior of school counselors to be a role model students. How to dress, makeup, clothes and so on into the spotlight of the students. Therefore, it becomes very difficult if implemented character education school counselor could not adjust his performance style to match what is delivered. Moreover, behavioral aspects of school counselors who directly or indirectly related to the students will greatly influence the success of character education.

Based on various things on the ability of school counselors to be a role model or example in the implementation of the values ​​of character education is necessary. That is, the success of character education will be very much determined by the quality of school counselors in making herself a role model.

School counselors as a Designer Events
Implementation of a program would be good if it had been designed or well prepared program. School counselors can help ensure successful implementation of character education with character education programming through a program of basic services in the form of various information which directly or integrated in the implementation of guidance and counseling services. This is especially the material personal counseling services and social guidance. Material personal guidance services, among others, honesty, perseverance, responsibility, courage, discipline, integrity, emotional competence and so on, while social assistance include justice, tolerance, respect, competence, problem solving, communication skills, and so on.
Of the various materials look all that school counselors have Pran very central in the implementation of character education in Indonesia if programmed in guidance and counseling activities. It can be implemented independently or together with other teachers at the school.
7. School counselors as a Healer / Problem Solver
In addition to the design of program activities, school counselors can play a role in character education through its function as a healer / problem solver. The fact the school students facing a variety of problems ranging from learning problems, career problems, personal problems, to social problems. As described above, that guidance and counseling services related to character education mainly through personal counseling and social guidance. From this standpoint it appears the school counselor's role in helping solve various problems related to personal problems or social problems. It's all a form of responsive service activities of school counselors. In addition, when students are facing various problems which are optional then the role of counselor to help students choose can be done through individual planning activities.
8. School Counselor as Consultant / Mediator
That character education is a duty and responsibility of all educators in schools. Therefore, the counselor will be able to act as partner or as a consultant in the implementation of character education in schools
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